Holy Spirit in motion

HSIM is a two days program dedicated to the Person of the Holy Spirit and His ministry. It is a time of refreshing for the believer, a time to save the lost sinner, a time of healing, miracles, signs and wonders, and also a time of the prophetic. These programs are designed to usher in the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit through prayer, fasting, faith and worship and to allow Him have His way the way He wills.

“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom ( 2 Corinthians 3:17).

The Holy Spirit is a Person. He is the third Person in the Trinity. He is the One sent by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to be the Chief Comforter for the saints on the earth. He has a mind of His own, because He is God; He knows the times and seasons, as well as the ordained purposes of God.

The Holy Spirit is very powerful, yet gentle. He does not stay where He is not welcomed or needed. He is a perfect Gentleman.

From creation until now, everything God does, He does by His Spirit. The Bible and history have revealed so many revivals that have taken place throughout the world, all made possible by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is still moving and His work is continues as long as the Body of Christ is still on earth. Oh, how I long for His revival again! How I long to see every man and woman, every young and child would experience the power of God once again!

For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

2 Corinthians 3:17 (NLT)